Meeting Dates




Annual General Meeting 2020

SATURDAY - 25th July from 10:30 – 12pm

The meeting will be held by Teleconference
Zoom Link to the Meeting

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the 2019 AGM
  3. Matters arising from the minutes
  4. LFHC Annual Report 2020 on the Federation’s activities over the last year
    These will be available at the meeting and on the website.
  5. Recommendations from the Executive
    Subscription levels will remain the same.
  6. Election of the Executive Committee - 15 places available. There will be a very short get together at the end of the AGM to check a date when the new Executive will meet to elect officers and plan dates for future events.
  7. LFHC Annual Accounts 2019 They will also be included within the final version of the annual report.
  8. Appointment of Auditors for the coming year
    Including a decision not to require a full audit and to have an independent examination.

Discussion Forum 11:00 – 12:00pm